
HDD Control trenner Tools

Tools are located rightmost in the monitoring tab (see picture below). It includes tests and setting options for your hard drive. When you click on Tools, a drop-down menu with functions will open. Read more about the tools functions below.


HDD Control tools1 Tools


Start Self Test

HDD Control trenner Tools

Self tests (normal and extended) invoke test mechanisms on your hard drive and start an intensive test. Depending on the hard drive manufacturer and the hard drive model, different components or areas of the hard drive are tested.

Usually all common components (write and read heads, internal storage space, electrics etc.) are tested in a self test. During the test the hard drive might make strange and loud noises and might react a little bit slower. This is no cause for concern and it doesn’t damage the hard drive.

The extended self test does not only include the test of the “normal” self test, but also includes the test of the hard drive sectors (the surface of the hard drive). Thus the test will take a little longer depending on the performance of the hard drive.

Please note: No files will be overwritten or deleted!



Show SMART Log Sectors

HDD Control trenner Tools

This feature exports the SMART results so that they can be saved for further use. This information might be useful for the support of the hard drive manufacturer or trained staff. In case of a possible failure or other problems with the hard drive,  you can also send along the SMART results.



Automatic Acoustic Management (adjust AAM)

HDD Control trenner Tools

While running hard drive might have a certain noise level that could be intrusive for the user. Many hard drive manufacturers have been looking for a possibility to find a compromise between performance and noise. With the slider you can control the volume, after activating the AAM (check the box in front of Activate AAM). The more quiet the hard drive is set, the more loss of performance (up to 10%) there is. Set to manufacturer’s recommendation restores the default settings (if available). Click Apply to save the settings.

Info: Please read the text in the menu for further information.


HDD Control aam Tools


Advanced Power Management (adjust AAM)

HDD Control trenner Tools

The energy saving counterpart of Automtic Acoustic Management is the Advanced Power Management. This way you can find your personal compromise between energy consumption and performance. Active the Advanced Power Management by checking the box in front of Activate APM. Then you can adjust the power consumption with the slider below. 

Set to manufacturer’s recommendation restores the default settings (if available). Click Apply to save the settings.

Here too, there is a loss in performance when the power consumption is lowered.

Info: Please read the text in the menu for further information.


HDD Control aam 1 Tools


Report external hard drive as supported

HDD Control trenner Tools

As already mentioned before not all hard drive is able to evaluate and report SMART values. If you own an external hard drive model that isn’t in our database yet, we’d like to ask for you help. Report (completely anonymous!) your hard drive model online and add the model to the database. As we are constantly improving our products and trying to make them as compatible as possible, it would be great to know, which hard drives support the SMART feature.  



